Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fourth Week: Teachers !!! LEARN WHO YOUR CLIENTS ARE !!!

Monday, 2nd August 2010.

Hello again...

The activity for this week is searching a song via internet. This time around, we've got the opportunities to learn how to download mp3 songs and video songs from YouTube. This activity introduces to us many softwares that we access into and download things for free from websites to be used as future teaching aids. It's like we are making collection of things to be used as teaching aids later on. Sounds like preparing for a battle... Yes... In teaching context, this is the real battle. Without a good preparation, we can't be winning. Aa the saying goes, 'WINNING STARTS WITH BEGINNING'. 

' The meeting of preparation with opportunity generates the offspring we call luck' -Anthony Robbins

Like what have been promised...Let's talk about the presentation of other groups regarding the first chapter of the book.

Ok...Let's begin with the second subtitle of the chapter:

'Children's Creative Use of Limited Language Resources'

Children, especially those who learn English as their second language, have a very limited number of vocabulary mastered. BUT, they are creative in manipulating language and this skill allows them to be very creative in building phrases when they communicate. When they make mistakes, they learn by making corrections. Even though, sometimes they might sound as if they are translating certain phrases directly from their mother tongue to English language, but they are trying to make use of English language to express themselves. This will then lead them to use the language frequently and self-correct themselves later on.

'Children's Capacity for Indirect Learning'

Children Indirect learning occurs anywhere at anytime. Indirect learning means 'acquire'. Acquire means something that is just gained without having to understand the rules of behind it. Children are creative and imaginative. Thus, they might notice something out of the of the corner of their eyes. This might be a little bit frustrating for teachers as they have to achieve their learning outcomes and objectives by the end of their lesson. But, don't worry this might be helpful to enhance children to think 'out of the box'.

'Children Instinct for plays and fun.'

Children are motivated to involve in something when there is an element of 'fun'. Perhaps, this is where we as teachers should understand their needs for learning. They can't accept a boring  and traditional style of classroom where teacher gives the input and students sit still without any responses. They can neither pay attention nor sit still as they do not have the ability to just absorb things. They want some space to express themselves and to be involved in activities and discover the knowledge by themselves. So, providing some enjoyable activities may cater to this psychological nature of children.

'The Role of Imagination.'

Children are experts when in comes to imagination. They can never be underestimated in this area. This is where they tend to be spending most of their childhood life. They imagine things that never happens and something extraordinary. They have a powerful brain and this helps them to be able to explore something beyond the reality. Fantasy appeals to their mind as fantasy allows them to be themselves.

'The Instinct for Interaction and Talk.'

Children love making noises, talking and interacting with their friends. They have a very deep interest in expressing and revealing what they feel inside. We have to be able to manipulate their nature and interest in interacting to improve of the skills in language: speaking skill. They love being noisy, yet they learn best within the noise itself. So, use it as a stimulus, then learning a language shall not be that complicated as it sounds to be.

ok.. I shall better stop before I start to repeat things over and over again... Future teachers, see you on the next entry...until then...bye...